Sunday, November 28, 2010

NaKnitMo - Day 28 Ends


How did I get this far you ask
Fallen Leaves Socks - Completed

4 Pom Pom Scarves - Completed

The Ashley Beret - Below

2 sleeves - Nonpariel

Socks from Iron Knitter - only 18 more rounds to go

1 Military Style hat

Library Capelet

Chicago Bears Cowl and Fingerless Gloves

One ever growing Pinwheel blanket in worsted weight yarn, outside edge currently has 340 stitches - growing 10 stitches every other round.

And probably a few other projects that are long forgotten

2 days to go - can hardly wait to see how far I can take this!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

NaKnitmo Day 24 Ends

I have been too busy stitching to blog, but let me just say this

66,970 stitches completed
Photo's and details will be posted shortly

Saturday, November 20, 2010

NaKnitMo - Day 20 Begins

Day 19 ended with a total of 44,604 stitches completed, including the Library Capelet done in Lion Brand Homespun. The biggest issue that I had in finishing this was decided which one of the amazing antique buttons I would put on it. The buttons shown were purchased at a lovely antique store in Huntsville, Ontario. The Library Capelet added a total of 8,320 stitches to the count for the NaKnitMo and I can hardly wait to wear it. And the button winner was. . .
Another project off my TODO list is The Ashely Beret - once completed the hat will add a total of 11,800 stitches to the count. As of this moment I am 3,300 stitches into the project with 4 repeats of the lace pattern to complete.
Which means at this exact moment in time my total stitch count is 47,904, and I still have 10 days to go in the competition.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

NaKnitMo - Day 14 ends

So here we are, 14 days into NaKnit Mo and things just keep showing up in my house that were not on my TODO list.

Oh well - at least the stitches count. Pictured above are the layered wristlets in the Chicago Bears Colours. I did the mix and match just because its me! What you can't see clearly in the photo are also my Bears fingernails, navy with orange and white stripes.

So how am I doing at my challenge you ask - well here is the update. (noting that I am not finished knitting for today.

30,164 stitches completed

19,836 left to go, which means approximately 1,240 stitches per day will get me to goal.

Now I think I do need to get back on track with the TODO List - so here are the items left to complete

Jake's Sock - Done - shown to left
Falling Leaves Socks - 1 done
Nonpariel Sweater - 1 arm done
Leg Warmers - Done
Pattern Stitch Hat - Done
The Ashley Beret - For Audra
Cambria Sweater
Pink Lace Wrap
Chocolate twist Sweater - Done
Mosaica de mi corizan
Scrap Sock Yarn Blanket
Zauberball toe up sock
Master Knitter resubmissions
Pink Bustier
Flaminco Shawl - Done

As you can see I have not crossed a lot of stuff off that list - but I have also finished 3 pompadoodle scarves and 4 wristlets. I will try to stay on track for the next 16 days.

Happy Knitting!!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

NaKnitMo - Day 10 ends

What a great week for finishing up projects, mind you, most of those projects were not on my already on needles to do list. But they came and went so fast they really don't count, do they?

You see - my goal for National Knitting Month and the NaKnitMo challenge was that I would finish up most of the 17 projects I have on needles already and my promise to Tammie and Linda was that I would not, under any circumstances, no matter how much the yarn was calling for me, cast on anything new. Well - I have finished off 4 from the list, but also have cast on and finished three other projects not on the original list.

2 pom pom scarves - finished last night 1,354 stitches
1 chicago bears neck cowl - GO BEARS - 3,600 stitches

Oops and how did those navy wristlets get on those needles, I don't remember starting them!Hee hee. I am actually doing a collection of the 3 different sizes so that I can layer them for different looks, they will be in the Bears colours of Navy and Orange. I am using the Vanna's Choice yarn and they are coming together very nicely. Total so far of 1,000 stitches.

So to recap the end of day 10

Goal 50,000

Stitches completed to date - 22,444

Stitches left to goal - 27,556

So with 20 days to go - I need to knit 1,253 stitches per day minimum to reach my goal.

Check back tomorrow to see how I am doing.

Monday, November 8, 2010

NaKnitMo - Day 8 Ends

November 8 - 1,792 Stitches

Total Stitches Completed to date - 16,490

Stitches Left to Complete to reach goal - 33,510

Too tired to write anything else!!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

NaKnitMo - Day 4 Ends

At the end of day 4 I have surpassed my goal of 1,666 stitches per day!

To recap

Nov 1 - 3228 (sweater)
Nov 2 - 570 (ruffled shawl edge) 1028 (sweater)
Nov 3 - 2834 (sweater)
Nov 4 - 3690 (sweater)
For a brand new total of 11,450 Stitches

Leaving only 38,550 stitches to go!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

NaKnitMo - Day 4

Lost some knitting time due to meeting regarding the

NOVEMBER 13th 10 am - 2 pm
5140 Pinedale Avenue

Photo's with Santa
Craft Show and Sale
Bake Sale
Gently Used Book and Movie Sale
Kidz Kraft Zone
Silent Auction
Raffle Prizes
Bistro for lunch

Come on out and enjoy a fun family day!

Now on to the Knitting

42,240 stitches left to go

got in 2,834 stitches tonight, for a total to date of 7,760 stitches. Hopefully tomorrow night I can get a bit more completed, I would like to hit at least 3,000 by the end of Day 4.

NaKnitMo - Day 3

Yesterday I finished 18 rows on my Nonpareil sweater, photo by Berroco. Can hardly wait to see the finished product.

Also finished the trim on the flaminco shawl (will post photo's later, total of 570 stitiches.

Grand total now 4826/50,000

45,174 stitches to go - 28 days left

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

NaKnitMo - Day 2

In order to reach my goal of 50,000 stitches I must maintain a stitch count of 1,666 stitches per day.

Yesterday I ended up at 3,228. So far for today I am at 1,053. For a grand total of 4,281 which means I have only 45,719 stitches to go.

Having never counted my stitches before I was quite surprised with the total amount done, and can hardly wait to count it out on a weekend day when I can put in some real time.

I will post photo's of what has been completed later today.

Happy Knitting!!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

NaKnitMo - Day 1

Well it has begun, as of Midnight the NaKnitMo challenge is underway. In the last hour I have knit 870 stitches. I will post my daily totals here as well as photo's of the projects.

I have set my goal at a lofty 50,000 stitches for the month of November (which means I have 49,130 to go) , and here is how I will do it.

Non-Pariel Sweater
1 sleeve = 10,425 stitches
Other Sleeve = 10,425 stitches
Back waist band = 2,160 stitches
left front waistband = 990 stitches
right front waistband = 990 stitches
lower back = 7,588 stitches

Jakes Sock = 6272 stitches
Harvest Sock - 7128 Stitches
The Ashley Beret for Audra = 9844 stitches

For an estimated total of 55,862 stitches