Wednesday, April 17, 2013

New Name . . . Same Game

The name has changed, but the games the same.  Still knitting up a storm.  Although I do want to share with you my latest as my boys would say "Epic Fail".  Ever work so diligently that your concentration can't be broken, not even noticing an error, working past it without seeing it, then seaming in the sleeve, again, without seeing it, then 10 times you go past it while working on the button band, again, without seeing it any of the 10 times.  Then off to be washed - without seeing it, then lay it out flat on the drying board look down and go WT*. 

Yup - happened just last week with a lovely Raglan Sweater in Cascade 220 in a lovely wine colour.  Now as I looked down at the Epic Fail I did have an "Aha" moment.  Magic loop on the sleeve, one loop pulled itself into the sleeve, I promptly pulled it back out, apparently not making sure I was at the right spot.  Obviously not as the increases were down the centre of the sleeve not under the arm.

So okay - nothing to panic about, simply pull out the sleeve, pull down to armhole, re-centre and knit away. oh, yeah, have to pull out the button band first - there goes a few hours, unweave my ends (man, why do I put them in so well), unseam sleeve, pull down, centre and reknit.  But of course it is soaking wet right now so I have to stare at it for days while it drys kicking myself for not noticing an . . .


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