Stitches South - Altanta
the book is officially launched today at 3 pm.
Crack open the Bubbly
and pour me a glass!!!
The journey started at Spun Fibre Arts in Burlington Ontario in June 2008 with choosing the appropriate yarn (thanks Danielle for your help). Months of design work, planning, frogging, ripping, planning and more frogging. And finally in November 2008 "Apple of my Eyelet" headed of to the "Think Outside the Sox" contest headquarters.
Although not one of the finalists, it did merit being included in their book of the same title, which is a great honor.
The book will not be available north of the border until May 1 (according to Chapter's website). But you know I will be there to see it on the shelves that day!!!
Must go - don't want the Champagne getting warm!
Congratulations! You must be on cloud nine! I have the book and your socks are beautiful!